Napili Point Resort, Maui Hawaii
Photo of Napili Point Resort, Maui Hawaii

Check Availability

Want to know if your desired dates are available before you book your stay?

For the most up-to-the-minute information please submit the short form below. We will get back to you by e-mail as quickly as possible, always in less than 24 hours.

We will advise you about availability, our lowest rates during the time of your visit and any special offers.


A few words about our privacy policy. No fine print - just plain and simple language.

We DO NOT sell, rent or trade your information. We never have. We never will. The information you supply allows us to provide information and respond to your inquiry regarding Napili Point Resort with a personalized and detailed answer.


Fill out all of the fields in the form to submit it. If you do not, the form will not be submitted.

Some spam blocking software filters out our answer to your inquiry and sends it off into oblivion. Please be sure to provide an email address that will accept our response.

We pride ourselves on our prompt responses. If you DO NOT receive an answer from us within 24 hours please contact us again.

Also, we recommend that you DO NOT send your credit card number to anyone until availability has been verified.

Your Name:

E-Mail Address:

Please re-enter E-Mail Address:

Number of guests in your party?
   Adults    Children

Condo Size: (Must select one)
  One-Bedroom (sleeps 4)   Two-Bedroom (sleeps 6)

Location/Rate Category: (Must select one)
  Ocean View   Oceanfront   Point Oceanfront

Desired Dates:

Are your dates flexible? (Must select one)
 No - Exact dates only  Yes - Within 1 to 3 days  Yes - within 1 to 2 weeks

Comments/Questions:   (This field is optional)

PLEASE NOTE: You will not have a reservation at Napili Point Resort, Maui until we verify that units are available and you then pay the appropriate advance deposit.

Please DO NOT submit your credit card information on this form. Submit this form first and we can provide instructions on how to make a secure transmission.

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FAX NUMBER: 909-861-2229


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